Put Asunder
Marriage. As if it were not in enough trouble, we have another legal challenge to Proposition 8 in California—this time from a judge. It is interesting that when one line of 'reasoning' is lost, we just change the reasoning. Unfortunately in this case, we are simply reorganizing the deck chairs on the Titanic.
Born in the fifties....all of my adult life has been spent hearing all the reasons why marriage isn't necessary. After all, the argument went...'..it's just a piece of paper'. Suddenly, marriage is all the rage---for the gay and lesbian community. Meanwhile, young people raised in the Church have a new vision of the 'perfect wedding'.....on the beach.
Now, I'm not a betting person. But, I'd be willing to bet all I own on the fact that all of this Constitutional wrangling on same-sex marriage is mere window dressing. Ah, but their eye is on the prize. These folks (the ‘activists’) will not rest with 'marriage' being lega...