Mission: Control
It is primary day in Indiana. The numbers do not look good for Senator Cruz. The question becomes: If Cruz loses big in Indiana, will he pull out? Furthermore....if he does not pull out under those circumstances, will he still have a future in politics? His team is, of course, hoping for a Hoosier win. If that happens....there can be no doubt it is 'game on'. I had a couple of conversations with several people over the past week regarding the pro-life issue. They simply cannot support Trump because they do not believe he is prolife. My question to them: where has voting for 'pro-life' republicans gotten us? Think about it. The Republican party has used the 'pro-life' issue to retain our support in the very same way the Democrat party has used the welfare state to hold on to their base . I have been voting 'pro-life' for over 40 years. Nothing has changed. Just last fall....having majorities in both House and Senate....