This morning, we are late in March of 2015.  We are up and around while dark early morning surrounds us as my husband still works in the trades and they start oh so early. We live in the outlying area of St. Louis by choice, so included in that choice is early rising to get to the job site on time.

The drill has been the same for over 35 years...so it comes as naturally as breathing to us.  Being up late at night does not--much to the chagrin of many of our extended family members.  I do love getting up early.  There is so much missed if you sleep until the sun comes up.

Today was no different.  A beautiful, light snow was falling as hubby pulled out of the driveway. Mind you, it is especially 'beautiful' at this time of year because we know it is short lived and, with temperatures hovering in the 60's and 70's for days...there is no fear of road issues.  I went back to the sun room to finish my morning prayer routine and my favorite tea.  Picture it.  The fireplace roaring and windows all around me as it was just becoming light  - watching the snow fall...much heavier now. Simply magical.

As I write now, it is after 8 a.m.  The sun is shining and there is a hint of snow on bushes and trees...but the 'moment' is gone.

We are coming up on Passion Sunday.  For all intents and purposes, Lent is almost finished.  I ponder the difference this Lent has made in my thinking, my beliefs and my relationships with others.  Have I been faithful to my initial intent for this precious time of the year?  If not, have I picked myself up again and continue to try?  The reading today from a favorite devotional, "One Bread, One Body" (http://www.presentationministries.com) today's teaching was the same.  "Don't miss this!"  Aptly titled 'On the Threashold of God's Glory', it reminds me that we are upon the two most life-changing weeks in the Church.  Holy Week and the Easter Octave.  The more we take part in these two weeks, the more likely we will see Christ, hear Christ and feel Christ's love for us here and now.

Our world is broken because we are broken.  Let's not sleep through this season.  Let's be awake, fire blazing in our minds and hearts to know Christ and His Church in a new way...a profound way.  Life may just never me the same again.


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